You know, while being part of this community is nice, I think there's a bit of a social hole. Of all of the people I've seen, I have seen none of my buddies from DeviantART, Paheal, and/or Furaffinity. Geez, I'll probably be a black sheep in this place. Eh well, I'm here to watch some nice flash animations, soo... Maybe I could find someone I know from this journal. I dunno why it's called "news" here, I mean nothing important has happened yet. Okay, that should do it.
Nah, the social hole's always been here, and the late introduction of the social features (like fans, feeds and such) hasn't helped a whole helluva lot. I guess the BBS/forums is where it's at; give the Art forum a few comments, post a few pictures, take up a thread challenge, or make one of your own.